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Financial Freedom and success in the markets has everything to do with “Who you are BEING” as a leader in it. Unfortunately, far too many trading programs are dependent upon “the market” or “the guru.” When you take responsibility for seeing yourself as BEING the master (leader/creator) in it all, the opening for sustainable, liberating financial freedom becomes a reality.
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When the creator (you) executes all trades within the proper mindset and according to proven ONTOTRADE principles, you realize that YOU really are in control of your financial security and the life that you are committed to building. Through ontological leadership and phonetic instruction, you will become equipped to weather the ups and downs of the market, by possessing the proper mindset and education to control your financial future.
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The sum result of your commitment to yourself, as a creator, through the ONTOTRADE trade system and principles, will be financial freedom and making money. What’s better, you won’t achieve this freedom because you have someone who shows you how to do it, you will become the guru, the master, and the creator of the future that you are committed to living.
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Forget what you’ve known (or believed to have known) about your ability to trade successfully in the market. We request that our clients approach this new learning from a place of discovery and inquiry. This means that through ONTOTRADE’S leadership modality and your commitment to creating a new financial future, you’ll discover that you may have been leaving something on the table in times past. The best students (the ones who realize the greatest personal success) that we have are the ones that are able to forget what they know or who have no past market trading experience. When you are able to experience the ONTOTRADE training system from this place, you will experience more market success than you ever thought possible!
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